Strong and Stable!

Use this Tip to strengthen the ABductors to help you run, walk, dance, and keep your stability!

Lift the right leg into ABduction

Slowly decelerate to weight shift.

1.Use a long green theraband

2. Stand on it with the balls of your feet on the band. Cross the band and hold at hip level to provide increased feedback.

3. Slowly lift the right leg into an ABducted position in parallel.

4.Then step sideways and decelerate slowly
through the right foot/ankle
5. Weight shift to the right leg and slowly ABduct the left leg into a parallel position.
6.Balance for a moment before closing left leg to meet the right leg in a parallel stance under the hips.

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Written on August 26th, 2015 , InTuit Tuesday Tips

Hacked By Not Matter who am i

i am white Hat Hacker please update your wordpress

Written on August 17th, 2015 , InTuit Tuesday Tips

MoveCoLab Tuesday Tips

August 4, 2015

Relief is on the Way! (Pt. II)

Pstretching the Psoas: Now that you’ve released your psoas muscles and they are pliable, gently stretch them to find more length.

1. Kneel with a cushion under your knee in a lunge position near an object for support

2. Tuck the toes under on the leg that is down
Lift the pubic bone by drawing in the navel
Squeeze the buttocks/glute on the same side so that the stretch is felt in the front of the hip/thigh

Hold for 20-30 seconds being sure the buttocks/glute remains firm. No mushy tushy!

Repeat 2-3 times.


Written on August 4th, 2015 , InTuit Tuesday Tips
Bob is feeling the pstretch!

Bob is feeling the pstretch!

Relief is on the Way!
(Psoas part II)

Now that you’ve released your psoas muscles and they are pliable,
gently stretch them to find more length.


1. Kneel with a cushion under your knee in a lunge position near an object for support.

2. Tuck the toes under on the leg that is down.
Lift the pubic bone by drawing in the navel.
Squeeze the buttocks/glute on the same side so that the stretch is felt in the front of the hip/thigh.

Hold for 20-30 seconds being sure the buttocks/glutes remain firm. No mushy tushy!

Repeat 2-3 times.


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Written on August 3rd, 2015 , InTuit Tuesday Tips


MoveCoLab Tuesday Tips

July 28, 2015

Psoftening the Psoas

Use an overball that is initially under inflated
Place ball in the abdomen directly under the navel.

Step 1

Step 1

Lay on prone over the ball with your hands folded under your forehead and legs out straight with the hips rolled in.
Relax over the ball and breathe through the rib cage and back.

Step 2

Step 2

Start with 30-60 seconds as tolerated

Progress by increasing time to 2 minutes and later by inflating the ball to increase firmness

Model: Maria Volpe, BFA, Polestar Pilates Teacher Trainer

Written on July 28th, 2015 , InTuit Tuesday Tips

Realease is on the Way!

The word psoas comes from the Greek psoa meaning the “loin region”.

Step 1


Step 2


1. Use an overball that is initially under inflated. Place ball in the abdomen directly under the navel.

2. Lay prone over the ball with your hands folded under your forehead and legs out straight with the hips rolled in. Relax over the ball and breathe through the rib cage and back.

Start with 30-60 seconds as tolerated.

Progress by increasing time to 2 minutes and later by inflating the ball to increase firmness.

Model: Maria Volpe, BFA
Polestar Pilates Teacher Trainer

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Share your findings with us at

Written on July 27th, 2015 , InTuit Tuesday Tips

July 21, 2015

Chant and Song 



Warm your body from the inside out with a chant or song! In honor of Amma’s July trip to NYC, we share her joyous chant with you:

Amma Amma Taye
Amma amma taye
Alhilan de shvari niye
Anna purne shvari taye
O O O, Adi para Shakti niye

O Mother, Mother, dear Divine Mother
Goddess of the Universe
Giver of food to all creatures
Thou art the Primal Supreme Power





Written on July 21st, 2015 , InTuit Tuesday Tips


MoveCoLab Tuesday Tips

July 14, 2015

Foam Roll Solve for the Millennial Spine


Do you notice your mid-back or thoracic spine changing as a result of using your smart phone, computer or tablet?



*Find length and space in your spine by lying supine on your foam roller.
*Clasp hands behind your head
*Ribs gently knitting together and downwards towards the navel

*Tailbone gently anchored to the foam roll
*Relax the throat and jaw
*Take 10 slow, relaxed breaths.
*Stay longer if it feels good.
*Roll off slowly and carefully and lay on your side for a moment before sitting up.

Did this Tuesday Tip help your posture? Share your findings with us at




Written on July 14th, 2015 , InTuit Tuesday Tips

July 7, 2015


How can we deepen our somatic practices and dive deeper into our understanding of how our bodies move?  Deepen your breath through timed breathing exercises.  Connect to your favorite mellow music mix and time the length of inhalation and exhalation.  How does focusing on breathing change or shift the way your body feels?  Carve out 3 minutes a day to perform this. Send us a message with your results:

  • Tune into your favorite mellow playlist.
  • Start by lying on your back in a Constructive Rest position.  Hands on the abdomen, eyes closed.  Scan your body with your mind’s eye.  How does your body feel?  Where are you feeling stagnation of energy?   IMG_3725
  • Find the pulse of the music.  Try to match your internal metronome to the pulse of the music.
  • Inhale for 4 beats of the song.  Exhale for 4 beats.  Repeat for 4 cycles.
  • Gradually increase the inhalation and exhalation by adding a count after every 4 cycles. (ex: 5 counts inhale/5 counts exhale for 4 cycles, 6 counts inhale/6 counts exhale for 4 cycles) Repeat for 4 cycles.
  • Continue until you have elasticized the breath to 10 counts for an inhalation and 10 counts for an exhalation.  Repeat for 4 cycles.
  • Finish by allowing the breath to fall into its own rhythm.
  • Did your depth of inhalation and exhalation change?  How does your body feel in comparison to the opening assessment?


Written on July 7th, 2015 , InTuit Tuesday Tips

MoveCoLab Tuesday Tips

June 30, 2015

No More Neck Pain! 4 Easy Stretches That Are Sure to Give You Relief

Neck pain can be an uncomfortable experience, and is extremely prevalent due to activities of daily living that cause our heads and shoulders to round forward. Outlined below are four simple stretches to provide relief, that can be done in under 10 minutes!

Chicken Wings:

  • Sit up tall in a chair, and touch your fingertips to your shoulders.
  • Roll both shoulders back and down
  • Hold for 10 breaths



Triple Neck Stretch:

  • Sitting on the edge of a chair, bring your right hand to the middle of your back
  • While looking straight ahead, tilt your head to the left. You may use your left hand to gently pull your head down.
  • Next, tilt your head so that you are looking down toward your left shoulder.
  • Last, place the palm of your right hand behind your neck, keeping shoulder blades down.
  • Hold for 5-10 breaths, then repeat on the opposite side.


Prone Extension: 

  • Lie on your stomach, on a mat or carpet with your hands stacked beneath your forehead, legs straight behind you.
  • Keep your abdomen engaged to protect your lower back.
  • Inhale to lift your head and chest 2-3 inches off of the floor, and exhale to come back down
  • Repeat 10 times.IMG_3587


Shoulder Blade Lift:

  • Lie on your stomach, on a mat or carpet with a rolled-up towel beneath your forehead. Be sure to keep your nose pointing toward the floor.
  • Extend your arms out in front of you, into a Y-shape.
  • Keeping your head down, inhale to lift your arms, hold for a beat, then lower your arms back down. Keep your chest and neck relaxed.
  • Repeat 10 times.IMG_3597

Performing this series of stretches once a day will help to relieve tension, correct musculoskeletal imbalances, and restore flexibility. Happy stretching!

For more information regarding this series of stretches, follow this link to Bob’s article: 

Model: Emilia Iorillo, PMA®-CPT and MOVEMENT CoLab assistant.



Written on June 30th, 2015 , InTuit Tuesday Tips


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