Physical Therapy
Physical therapy at MOVEMENT CoLab is typically a short-term intervention where manual therapy techniques including joint mobilization or manipulation is used to correct the arthrokinematic movement dysfunctions…more info
Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine
Often in treating patients with pain syndromes, acupuncture can be an extremely useful tool to release long term holding patterns that are not easily released by traditional manual therapy techniques alone.
Oriental Medicine is the use of a variety of herbs, roots, barks, flowers, nuts etc. which are cooked into a soup and drunk as a tea. There are a tremendous amount of classic Chinese formula’s that aid in the balancing of the internal organs to promote health and strengthen the immune system…more info
Orthotic Fabrication
Orthotics are inserts placed in the shoe to correct various structural abnormalities of the foot and ankle that are not able to be corrected with manual therapy or exercise…more info
Slideshow Credits:
Photos: Maxim Trankov and Tatiana Volosozhar
2014 Winter Olympic Gold Medalists representing Russia |
Written on February 19th, 2015