In last week’s MoveCoLab Tuesday Tip, you learned to control the humeral head to improve congruency of your shoulders. Now we need to increase control in other planes of motion.

Strengthening the external rotators

Shoulder Congruency

Starting with the external rotators of the shoulders, hold a theraband in your hands with palms facing each other.

• Gently squeeze your shoulders together and reach your elbows toward the floor, lengthening the distance between earlobes and tops of shoulders
• Slowly rotate the hands open as in the photo and return to the starting position slowly
• Repeat for 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions

Next, we will strengthen the muscles that hold your scapula (shoulder blade) securely on your back.

• Hold the band in front of your chest just below nipple level
• Gently lengthen the distance between earlobes and shoulders as in previous exercise
• Slowly open as wide as you can control the shoulders and slowly return to the starting position
• Repeat for 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions

All exercises can be progressed to increased repetitions as you gain more control.

How did this Tip work for you? Share your findings with us at

Written on November 13th, 2015 ,


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