Strong and Stable!

Use this Tip to strengthen the ABductors to help you run, walk, dance, and keep your stability!

Lift the right leg into ABduction

Slowly decelerate to weight shift.

1.Use a long green theraband

2. Stand on it with the balls of your feet on the band. Cross the band and hold at hip level to provide increased feedback.

3. Slowly lift the right leg into an ABducted position in parallel.

4.Then step sideways and decelerate slowly
through the right foot/ankle
5. Weight shift to the right leg and slowly ABduct the left leg into a parallel position.
6.Balance for a moment before closing left leg to meet the right leg in a parallel stance under the hips.

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Written on August 26th, 2015 , InTuit Tuesday Tips

Hacked By Not Matter who am i

i am white Hat Hacker please update your wordpress

Written on August 17th, 2015 , InTuit Tuesday Tips

MoveCoLab Tuesday Tips

August 4, 2015

Relief is on the Way! (Pt. II)

Pstretching the Psoas: Now that you’ve released your psoas muscles and they are pliable, gently stretch them to find more length.

1. Kneel with a cushion under your knee in a lunge position near an object for support

2. Tuck the toes under on the leg that is down
Lift the pubic bone by drawing in the navel
Squeeze the buttocks/glute on the same side so that the stretch is felt in the front of the hip/thigh

Hold for 20-30 seconds being sure the buttocks/glute remains firm. No mushy tushy!

Repeat 2-3 times.


Written on August 4th, 2015 , InTuit Tuesday Tips
Bob is feeling the pstretch!

Bob is feeling the pstretch!

Relief is on the Way!
(Psoas part II)

Now that you’ve released your psoas muscles and they are pliable,
gently stretch them to find more length.


1. Kneel with a cushion under your knee in a lunge position near an object for support.

2. Tuck the toes under on the leg that is down.
Lift the pubic bone by drawing in the navel.
Squeeze the buttocks/glute on the same side so that the stretch is felt in the front of the hip/thigh.

Hold for 20-30 seconds being sure the buttocks/glutes remain firm. No mushy tushy!

Repeat 2-3 times.


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Written on August 3rd, 2015 , InTuit Tuesday Tips


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